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Swyg Recruitment Dashboard

Finding the best candidate in your large pool of applicants.

Swyg recruitment dashboard: Welcome


Swyg had a groundbreaking peer-to-peer interviewing platform that revolutionised the recruiting and hiring process for roles with large volume applicants. The platform allowed candidates to interview each other, based on pre-set criteria, allowing recruiters to save up to 50% of their time in finding the right talent. 

To further enhance the experience Swyg had to create a dashboard for recruiters and hiring managers. This new dashboard would collect the candidate interviews data, and generate a list of top-scoring candidates that would be visible at a glance. In addition, recruiters could also use the dashboard to quickly create new positions, select interview questions and invite candidates to participate in the process. By making the process easier, faster and more efficient while reducing biases, Swyg was able to provide an optimal interviewing experience for everyone involved.

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Hiring Dashboard Flow

With the hiring dashboard user flow, the team and I could easily identify areas of friction and usability issues within the user journey, allowing us to pinpoint areas for improvement and prioritise features that will offer the most benefit for our customers. Furthermore, this analysis helped ensure better customer satisfaction by providing an understanding of how users interact with the product on a deeper level.

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My Role

At the time, Swyg did not have a hiring dashboard and hiring managers would receive a PDF summary list of best candidates which a member of our team would then discuss with them via call. This was costly in terms of time and resources.

As the sole product designer at Swyg, my role spanned across all aspects of design and products. I spearheaded the design process of the dashboard from start to finish, overseeing all phases of its development - from initial concept to final product launch. My goal was to create an intuitive user experience that reduced the need for customer support, empowering users to finding the best candidate by using the dashboard autonomously.

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first recruiter dashboard

The First Dashboard Version

In a fast-paced startup setting, we don't have the luxury of delaying product launches until they are fully optimised. The very first version of our dashboard was a web version of the candidate list PDF file traditionally sent to clients. Drawing on our existing style guide, and making some assumptions the first version was crafted to inform further decisions. 

By showing this version to hiring managers and gathering their feedback, I began the journey towards creating an innovative, powerful dashboard for managing hiring operations. With every new iteration and improvement, I strived to make the dashboard more intuitive and user friendly, all while ensuring that it retains its speed and accuracy. 

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What I did

Based on data gathered, I firstly focused on designing the candidates list and candidate profile pages. These pages allowed hiring managers to quickly view their top candidates, as well as their scores and performance data, without having to meet with our team.

Additionally, I conducted extensive interviews with recruiters and hiring managers to better understand their other needs and requirements related to Swyg. Based on the insights gained, we developed a comprehensive list of features and implemented them in subsequent iterations of the layout. The feedback we received following these modifications enabled us to refine our initial design decisions and ensure that Swyg provided an optimal experience for everyone involved.

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candidate profile iterations
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As Swyg was rapidly expanding, the need for a reliable and recognisable identity became evermore pressing. To help address this requirement I undertook a detailed review of our products which ultimately resulted in the decision to embark on a rebranding process. After creating a design brief I sourced, interviewed and eventually selected an appropriate branding agency to oversee the project. 

I worked hand-in-hand with the agency, managing their progress and providing the design direction.  At the same time, I developed a new design system to be applied to our various SaaS platforms. Upon completion of the branding style guide, I implemented the new look and feel across all Swyg products including the new hiring dashboard.

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With continuous rounds of interviews and brainstorming team sessions we design, tested and developed new pages, features and flows. Existing pages were also being optimised on a regular basis. Many users started asking for a mobile friendly version as well and once we had the resources, we rolled up our sleeves and made all our products fully responsive.

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Swyg was successful in creating a unique dashboard for its clients to monitor the progress of their recruitment. Recruiters and hiring managers are given an incredibly comprehensive overview of the top applicants applying for positions, along with the option to review the individual interview video recordings. 

My involvement in Swyg had a lasting impact, as my design system and brand guidelines provided the necessary foundation for them to further expand their product offerings. This allowed the company to grow exponentially, despite no longer needing to rely on a dedicated designer. As such, I am proud to have been part of such a groundbreaking company that has drastically improved user experience and satisfaction.

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candidate page
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